Tuesday, October 12, 2010



We are taught to use different types of strokes such as cross-hatching, zig-zag, short-strokes, scribbles, continuous and pointilism to add character to our drawings.

Below illustrates the differences betweem each stroke on the same object.

SJ02 C

Continuous and Pointilism strokes are applied on this particular drawing to show it's rhythmic petal and the texture of the centre of the flower.

Short-strokes and Cross-hatching technique are applied on this football player to show the disortion of texture a football jersey would look like when there is movement. The cross-hatching is to enchance the shadow of the player and the ball.

Zig-zag and Scribble strokes are used to define the texture of the man's beard and the fragility of smoke.

In this two-point perspective, I have chosen 5 of the 6 strokes learnt, namely cross-hatching for the shadows, pointilism for the dog, scribble for the smoke, short strokes for dark alleys and zig-zag for the curtains.

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